Our policy research function is manifested in policy papers stressing that government in Pennsylvania - and government leaders in the Commonwealth - should focus on accountability, efficiency, and responsibility in providing government services and in public service.
Our 30 minute television production is seen on cable channels across the Commonwealth. The program provides insights into current events affecting Pennsylvanians, such as the economy, health care, taxes, the environment, schools, and how taxpayer money is being spent.
Various productions are available online as video or audio programs. Topics include PA History Makers, public policy and more.

The Susquehanna Valley Center for Public Policy's Mission
The Susquehanna Valley Center for Public Policy is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit public policy research organization that stresses that government in Pennsylvania - and government leaders in the Commonwealth - should focus on accountability, efficiency, and responsibility in providing government services and in public service. The Center places special emphasis on free market principles, the role of servanthood, and the responsibilities of citizenship that form the foundation of our political structure.
Recent Additions to our Policy Papers
Say Thanks To Your Township Supervisor!
By David M. Sanko You may read about them in the newspaper or see them along local roads, plowing snow in the winter or patching potholes in the spring. They’re your township supervisors and staff, and while you may not know them personally, these public servants show up each and every day with […]
Pennsylvania Needs Another ‘Shot in the Arm’ with Broadband Access Expansion
By David M. Sanko, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors Pennsylvania, like many other states, has a digital divide that separates the haves from the have-nots. And at no other time has this divide seemed wider than in the last year when the COVID pandemic brought the demand for internet […]
A Needed Civics Education About The United States Supreme Court
Widespread concern has been expressed about the declining nature of our national debates, with civility, good sense, and semblance of truth being counted as the foremost casualties. No better illustration of the problem exists than that farcical first so-called debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. An even greater worry is how decreasing emphasis on […]
Remembering Jim Broussard: A Congenial Conservative
Befitting his lack of out-sized ego, the obituary for Professor James Broussard was one entirely in line with Sgt. Joe Friday’s standard admonition: “Just the facts, ma’am.” While conciseness can be a great virtue in our frequently verbose world, in this case it short-sheets a durable legacy. So to borrow from the late Paul […]