Our policy research function is manifested in policy papers stressing that government in Pennsylvania - and government leaders in the Commonwealth - should focus on accountability, efficiency, and responsibility in providing government services and in public service.
Our 30 minute television production is seen on cable channels across the Commonwealth. The program provides insights into current events affecting Pennsylvanians, such as the economy, health care, taxes, the environment, schools, and how taxpayer money is being spent.
Various productions are available online as video or audio programs. Topics include PA History Makers, public policy and more.
The Susquehanna Valley Center for Public Policy's Mission
The Susquehanna Valley Center for Public Policy is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit public policy research organization that stresses that government in Pennsylvania - and government leaders in the Commonwealth - should focus on accountability, efficiency, and responsibility in providing government services and in public service. The Center places special emphasis on free market principles, the role of servanthood, and the responsibilities of citizenship that form the foundation of our political structure.
Recent Additions to our Policy Papers
Shifting Our Focus on Education
During the last three state budget debates, education discussions focused on spending. Unfortunately, what has been lost is a meaningful conversation about how we improve the quality of our education system. This has been to the detriment of our children. Is the answer to our challenges a never-ending supply of taxpayer money? Far too often, […]
New Study Reaffirms Energy’s Link to Economic Growth
There is one thing about our economy that everyone seems to agree about–things are looking up, but don’t be too optimistic.President Barack Obama is calling it “stability, not security” in his current rounds of economic talks. Recent Wall Street Journal headlines echo this “glass half full, glass half empty” assessment, noting that while housing is […]
Congress Needs To Stop Subsidies To Sugar Farmers
The steamboat conveying Andrew Jackson up the Ohio River toward his tumultuous 1829 inauguration had brooms lashed to its bow, symbolizing Old Hickory’s vow to clean up Washington. But sweeping out Washington’s Augean stables, like painting the Golden Gate Bridge, is steady work, so steady it never ends. Neither do the policies that cosset sugar […]
A New Day for U.S. Manufacturing Thanks To Natural Gas
AMERICA, WHICH NEVER LOST ITS HIGH-TECH DOMINANCE, IS NOW SEEING A JOBS BOOM IN NATURAL GAS Remember the 1980s? It was to be the decade of Japanese dominance. A post-Jimmy Carter America would be unable to compete with the efficient Japanese jobs machine. Aging technology, lazy management and high-cost labor would ensure America’s rapid demise […]