Our policy research function is manifested in policy papers stressing that government in Pennsylvania - and government leaders in the Commonwealth - should focus on accountability, efficiency, and responsibility in providing government services and in public service.

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The Susquehanna Valley Center for Public Policy's Mission

The Susquehanna Valley Center for Public Policy is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit public policy research organization that stresses that government in Pennsylvania - and government leaders in the Commonwealth - should focus on accountability, efficiency, and responsibility in providing government services and in public service. The Center places special emphasis on free market principles, the role of servanthood, and the responsibilities of citizenship that form the foundation of our political structure.

Recent Additions to our Policy Papers

Want Transparency? Give Townships A Choice For Providing Public Notices

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By David Sanko       This is Sunshine Week in Pennsylvania, a time devoted to recognizing the importance of government transparency. The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) has long supported the state’s Sunshine Law and has even published a guide for its members to encourage compliance with the law.   Over the […]

Pro-Growth Policies Can Ease Budget Challenges

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By State Senator Scott Martin Although Pennsylvania’s financial position appears to be strong in the current fiscal year, the commonwealth’s budgetary outlook in future years is not nearly so rosy. In November, the nonpartisan Independent Fiscal Office forecast structural imbalances in the state budget of between $1.5 billion and $3.1 billion every year from 2024 […]

Pennsylvania Has A Growing Crisis In Recruitment, Retention Of Police Officers

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By David Kennedy   As Pennsylvania families gather around their dinner tables, I hope they’ll say a small prayer for the three Pennsylvania police officers we’ve already lost this year: Brackenridge Police Chief Justin McIntire, McKeesport Police Officer Sean Sluganski and Temple University Officer Christopher Fitzgerald. McIntire, Sluganski and Fitzgerald made the ultimate sacrifice. They are heroes. It’s in their memory […]

The Economic Impact of a Constitutional Amendment to Implement Pennsylvania House Bill 14 of the 2021-22 Session

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Here are the main findings of a policy report showing what the economic impact would be on Pennsylvania taxpayers of creating a two-year window during which the statute of limitations would be lifted in regards to a constitutional amendment focusing on sexual abuse cases that can be brought against Pennsylvania school districts. The full report […]